“My wife and I are extremely grateful to have met Alicia at a time when we were considering a change to healthier eating habits but didn’t know what that might look like. She talked us through the Whole30 plan and answered all of our many questions, both in person and through a Facebook “support group” page. She also shared favorite menus, many of which we still use today. I’ve never eaten so well! Alicia has helped us understand how our bodies respond to different foods, all of which has given us a path to healthy eating and living. We both feel great – better physically and mentally than we have in years. We consider ourselves Whole30 for life and we owe all of that to Alicia. Meeting her has truly been life changing!”
~ Nick Dawson
“My health journey started in September of 2003 when I discovered that I was about to become a mom for the first time. Within a few days, I had an ultrasound to confirm that I not only was pregnant but also had a severely deformed right kidney, surprise! All of those exciting feelings of starting the journey into motherhood were clouded by this issue of an organ that I have never had any issues with my whole life. Over the course of my pregnancy many tests were performed on my kidney and a plan was devised to help to save my kidney as soon as my daughter was born. With the best laid plans, my kidney was removed December 2004. It was only the second surgery I have had in my life after a c section for my baby in June 2004.
I have always been forthcoming with any doctors in the years since about having my kidney removed. Some had tested my kidney function with little concern if the results were less than ideal. I thought the doctors knew best and moved on with my life. Fast forward to 2016 when a physician assistant became concerned that my kidney results were less than ideal and started to track it. In 2018, I was referred to a nephrologist, a kidney specialist, to manage my care going forward. I was advised to eat well, lose weight and educated to what medications and supplements to avoid to support a healthy kidney. One day I walked into the office at work where Alicia Snyder, NTP was talking to a co-worker about a diet I hadn’t heard about. It was Whole 30 and Alicia was advising her to try a Whole 30 diet with no pressure. I listened to why Alicia thought Whole 30 was beneficial and she said just look into it and see if it’s for me. I gave it a try and it changed my life. I lost over 15 pounds in 30 days and became aware of my body and it’s connection to food nutrition. That was January 2018 and I have not had gluten since. I feel so much better. Before Whole 30 I thought food elimination was not for me, but Alicia changed my mind with that. I am so glad I took her advice and look forward to doing another round in the coming months.
After the diet, I had a one on one meeting with Alicia to see if she had any information how I could help my kidney function. She brought a wealth of knowledge to our meeting. I was amazed at the research she put together and the information Alicia shared with me. I left that meeting empowered and excited to check the links I was given to research. I found so much information on things I never thought could effect kidney function. I have since cleaned up the products I use daily in my home and on my body. I am happy to say that my kidney function is significantly better than it has been in years. The nephrologist can’t say for sure if the changes I made have been is why my numbers are better, but I’m sure that it is. Working with Alicia Snyder, NPT has been the best choice I have made for my health. There are many pluses of sharing this journey with Alicia, but the best one is she wants the information she shares with me to be considered to work with modern medicine, not instead of. No matter what the future holds, I know I will feel better and be empowered in my health. I am so thankful that I have Alicia in my life.”
~ Mandy Crosby
“After years of having upper GI pain and gut issues, and many medical procedures later, I was still experiencing a significant amount of pain and discomfort – so much so, I would end up in ER without knowing what the root cause was. Alicia came into my life at just the right time to take me from the medical side of a diagnosis to a holistic way of care. She was able to help identify and discover the root issues of my pain and then worked with me to find solutions. I had been feeling pretty discouraged and defeated in my diagnosis and Alicia gave me new hope. If she didn’t know something, she would seek the answer. She has been able to take me to a new level of holistic wellness and because of that, I am living more of my days pain free! I have more energy, the mental fog has lifted, my inflammation has ceased and I overall am so much improved. She has shown me how to bring balance to my every day life. I thank God for Alicia and how He’s given her the ability to care for people with so much passion and grace. She has forever changed my life.”
~ Julie Benedetti
October 11, 2018
To Whom it May Concern,
It is with great respect that I recommend Alicia Snyder to you as a Whole30 coach.
I have had the privilege of knowing Alicia for more than ten years, mainly as one of my clients in group fitness classes but also as a friend in the community and as parents of children of similar ages.
I am aware of Alicia’s background in nutrition and also her personal health experience that led her to pursue her gift and passion this past year that resulted in her obtaining her NTP certification. Her journey to, through, and attaining true health is what led me to complete my first Whole30 round (with several others) with her as my coach several months ago. I could write chapters on how Whole30 changed my life, but none of that would have been possible without Alicia’s guidance and knowledge.
Alicia is a quiet, but confident, leader. She is a listener and observer and takes time to hear others before offering advice or counsel. She has the ability to know how to motivate and what to say without being overbearing, harsh, or critical. She has a heart of acceptance and patience required to guide others to better health. This is no easy task. But her ability to relate to so many different types of people enables her to connect to each person she counsels individually. She does not judge or command authority. Instead, she teaches, encourages, and motivates – meeting each person where they are in their journey toward optimal health.
I strongly recommend Alicia as a Whole30 coach and intend to work alongside her in the very near future. I also recommend her to many of my own clients who would benefit from her vast knowledge in functional nutrition and who may be seeking the truth about the role food plays in all our lives.
Please feel free to contact me for further questions when considering Alicia for this position.
In Great Health,
Heather Ancheta, Personal and Group Fitness Instructor
Balance Personal Training Systems, LLC